Kazumi talks about her need for a blood stem cell donor, in English, to help save her life. She is Japanese and her most likely donor will be Japanese. Register today by texting KKC to 61474 and Join the Be The Match Registry
My name is Kazumi and I am a Japanese American living in Arizona. I am a high school math teacher, and have also taught at Japanese weekend school for over two decades. I was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia in September of this year. After completing my first two rounds of chemotherapy the next step requires a stem cell transplant. The highest likelihood of a good match will be from someone of Japanese descent. I am reaching out to the Japanese community and am asking for your help. Please consider ordering a free cheek swab kit to see if you are my match. I will continue fighting so that I can get back to doing all of the things that I love like working out, hiking, travelling, and enjoying life.
I’m already in the Be the match registry. And should be in the database. Do I need to order the kit?
No, you are good to go. However, if you have moved or your phone number has changed, please update it with Be The Match. Thank you for being a committed donor.
Hi Tomo, no you don’t. We are partners with Be The Match.