My name is Loan, I have been working as a Social Worker since 1996, helping low-income families locate community resources for basic needs such as rent, utilities, and medical needs. I have Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia B Cells, 95% in my body, but it has not spread to the brain yet. I need a matching marrow or stem cell donor to help save my life. I am currently in the hospital receiving treatment. My daughter is in college and she comes home every weekend to help take care of me. My son is 16 years old, he is a sophomore honor student in high school and takes care of me after school until my husband comes to the hospital to stay overnight. Since my diagnosis, our lives have changed a full 360 degree, but I feel blessed to have great support from my family, relatives, friends, co-workers and medical staff. If you are Vietnamese, like me, please consider registering as a donor and help save a life, maybe mine.
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Story Category: Survivors
I’m Vietnamese, 48 years old. Not so sure I can be matched with Loan search, but I’m willing to help. Please send me the instruction what to do.
Yung Le Cao
Hi Yung Le Cao – Thank you for your interest and willingness to help patients like Loan who need a life-saving match. Donors must be between the ages of 18-44 years old. If you would still like to register you may do so online with a $100 processing fee. Find out more by visiting Be The Match