On March 17, 2016, tragedy struck the Hashimoto family when 7-year-old Tavin was diagnosed with AML (Acute Myeloid Leukemia). Their energetic, fun-loving, amazing child was about to face a battle whereby all statistics provided very little hope. After 6 months of treatment, Tavin’s cancer was gone. In early March 2018 Tavin went back for his routine monthly check-up. This one was different. This one brought news that everyone who loves Tavin never wanted to hear. The Leukemia had come back. We were once again devastated and heartbroken.
Tavin passed away, without finding a donor, in June 2019. “We celebrate you Tavin! We will miss you every day! There will not be a day that we won’t be thinking about you.”, said Tavin’s parents. Stand and Fight was his motto. You can register in Tavin’s name here https://my.bethematch.org/aadp.
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