Back in 2003, Tung, 58 years old, had an accident at work and broke his neck. As soon as he was able, he went right back to work. Despite the residual aches and pains from the accident, he continued to work hard as a welder to provide for his family. In 2015, the pain grew severe and too much to bear. He could no longer do the things he loves to do, such as fishing and landscaping. He finally agreed to see a doctor when he could no long stand up because of the back pain. After consulting with two different doctors, Tung was diagnosed with Stage 3 multiple myeloma. Tung is Vietnamese, his best chance of finding a match is someone who is also Vietnamese or Asian descent. Please share Tung’s story, help him find a bone marrow donor to save his life.
Tung Thai
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Story Category: Patients
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