I was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in May 2016, one month before we were supposed to move to San Diego.
After gaining remission in December, we (me, husband, and two boys ages 7 & 10) finally made our long awaited move.. Before moving, I returned to work as an emergency physician in March 2017, with a new perspective and love for my job.
If you can’t help me, you can help someone else in my situation. Ethnic minorities are far underrepresented in the donor network, making it much more difficult for us to find a match.
Please register as a stem cell donor at https://my.bethematch.org/aadp
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Michael Benson says
my name is Michael Benson and I work for Kaiser Permanente in Santa Clara, California. I’m heartbroken for you but I’m hoping I can help. My girlfriend Xuefang is 100% Chinese. I will need to ask her to help before I can commit. Is there a way to do the swab at home and send to a testing facility. Godspeed Vanessa!