Early this morning, with her mother, father and brother by her side, our Liyna passed on peacefully. To God we belong and to Him we return – inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajioon.
In recent days, Liyna was experiencing complications from treatment. Her phenomenal medical team at City of Hope worked to provide relief and answers. However, Liyna’s health declined suddenly this week.
Liyna fought an aggressive leukemia twice. She knew we needed her and so, with her beaming smile and uplifting sense of humor, she fought. She endured intense treatments that most could not, hardly letting on how difficult it must have been. Through it all, Liyna was touched by your outpouring of support.
You have been with Liyna and her loved ones through the last 15 months. Whether you knew her personally or followed her story from afar, the loss of our Liyna is deeply devastating. She touched our hearts and we all wanted her to beat cancer for good.
You offered your encouragement and support from all around the world. You were willing to generously give of yourself to Liyna and other patients in need, and you raised awareness and brought thousands of others on to bone marrow and stem cell registries in the US, Canada, UK, Australia, India and elsewhere.
In Liyna’s name, you made it possible for a handful of other patients to actually receive lifesaving transplants in the last year. Future patients will continue to have hope and precious time with their families because of you and Be The Match, DKMS US, DATRI Blood Stem Cell Donors Registry and others. May each of you and our Liyna be rewarded for this beautiful gift.
Your respect for her family’s privacy at this time would be appreciated, but please do feel free to share your thoughts, stories and photos here or message directly. To have these memories and be able to share Liyna’s impact on the world will mean so much to us all for years to come. We cannot thank you enough.
We love you, Liyna.
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